nurulhanan is my name.03111996.a springfielder.loves Miley Cyrus and Justin nice with me,i will do the same to you.i can be mean.
title: supp humans:') today wkoe up aorund 745,was late for madrasah,lyk i care=.=' my sister sae faster.WTH.finish 1045,teacher let us go early(:after dat went light snack den went to my cousins hse.they tunang(':i met azilah.haaaa we went to tamp to woodlands to take this la dat la.=.='reach home around 7++.after dat i bathe,my mum told me, my dad tertinggal his wallet=.=' fast2 reach at bustop 201 there.bought panadol n bubble tea and went home.den M msg me:')haaaa.currently?blogging,fbing only.(":i wanna pack my things n sleep,buhbye humans. xoxo, Mileyy! |